/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005

EXCALIBUR (EXpanding Content And Language Integrated learning through BUilding a sustainable future in Realtime with immersive environments)

Promosso da


Periodo di svolgimento

2022 - 2024




The Erasmus+ project EXCALIBUR is about sustainability. Learners from different countries will explore this scientific topic in an intercultural setting and with the help of different linguae francae (communication languages) ​​and implement prototypical solutions to current problems in virtual worlds

This brings together the two often separate approaches of content and language integrated learning for English and languages other than English [CLIL(LOTE)] and STEM. In addition, information and media literacy skills will be developed. Learners will acquire the skills necessary to shape our (exponential) future, including the 6Cs of Deep Learning (communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, character and citizenship). At the same time, they will learn to find solutions to one of the fundamental problems that unite the international community and to shape and strengthen Europe together in the age of digital transformation. They will build on similarities and contribute their individual strengths.

The specific goal of this interdisciplinary project is to use different virtual worlds (Minetest/Minecraft, OpenSimulator, CoSpaces Edu) with the learners and to explore their opportunities and challenges together.

Il gruppo di ricerca è costituito dai seguenti parter europei:

  • Tampere University Foundation, Finland [COORDINATOR]
  • Universita Telematica Degli Studi IUL, Italy  
  • Universitetet i Tromsoe – Norges Arktiske Universitet, Norway  
  • Landesmedienzentrum Baden-Württemberg, Germany  
  • Teachergaming LLC, Finland  
  • Tampereen klassillinen lukio, Tampereen kaupunki/ Lukiokoulutus/ Tampereen klassillinen lukio,  Finland  
  • Hittorf Gymnasium, Germany  
  • Università per Stranieri di Perugia