/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
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Sacred Arts

The Specialisation Course in Sacred Arts is born out of the collaboration between IUL online university and the Sacred art school of Florence.

The 1st level Professional Master course and the Specialization course in Sacred Art aim to train experts in the sacred art field which is deeply rooted in the culture and tradition of our country and represents a big part of the Italian artistic heritage.

Each participant will be able to create and produce contemporary artworks related to the Christian tradition by the end of the course. Great attention is given to art and craft techniques (painting, sculpture, goldsmithing) which will be integrated with theoretical subjects and will make students able to interpret past and present sacred art, not only in aesthetic terms but also in its symbolic meaning and usage.

The 1st level Professional Master is taught in blended learning and consists of online and in-person sessions organized in 3 specializations:


  1. painting,
  2. sculpture,
  3. goldsmithing


The specialization course consists of the online theoretical part only.


Enrolment for both courses is open to all bachelor’s degree holders and is addressed to graduates in Architecture, Theology, Historical disciplines, Fine Arts, and Performing Arts in particular.

The course is also open to teachers of Art History, Religion, Philosophy, diocesan leaders, tour guides, and all those who wish to deepen theoretical, technical, and hand-craft aspects of sacred arts.


The minimum requirement for accessing the course is a Bachelors’ Degree or equivalent title.


The minimum number of participants for the Specialisation Course is 20.




Students from non-EU countries will have to submit their application form (within the deadline set every year by the MIUR at to the Italian Embassies (or Consulates) of the country they live in. Therefore, in order to complete the enrolment process, it will be necessary to submit the declaration of the value of qualifications issued by recognized educational institutions, and a certified copy of the diplomas. These documents are issued by the Italian Embassies (or Consulates) of the students’ countries of origin.

Applications received after the deadlines lacking the above-mentioned documents and not sent by official consular communication will not be accepted.

Enrolment “upon condition” is not admitted.



The total cost of registration, attendance, final exam and awarding of the final certificate of the Specialisation Course is € 1500,00 to be paid in 2 installments:

  1. € 750,00 to be paid upon registration;
  2. € 750,00 to be paid by May 31, 2021.

Teachers of every order and degree of teaching and people in charge of the sacred art offices of the dioceses are entitled to enroll in the post-graduate course at the reduced cost of € 1,000.00 to be paid in 2 installments of € 500.00 with the same deadlines.


Late payment of the second installment will involve an additional cost of € 30.00 for default fees.

The enrollment deadline is November 30, 2020.

Teaching activities are scheduled to start on January 11, 2021.


Registration to the course is made via the Gomp student portal ( Registration and payment procedures through the PagoPA system are described in detail in the Guide published on the institutional website together with this course description. Once the online application has been completed, it will be necessary to print it, sign it and send it – with a revenue stamp of 16.00 euros – to the postal address of “IUL online university”, VIA M. BUONARROTI, 10 – 50122 FLORENCE”, mandatory indicating in the payment purpose: “Registration – professional master course Sacred arts  –  student’s name and surname”.

For a better organization t is recommended to send the registration form by email ( advance.

For more information: Sacred Art School Secretary – tel. +39 055 350376, mobile +39 3534057340,  e-mail:

Considering that the number of enrolments for the Master will be limited, the University has provided for the possibility of pre-enrolment. Students who wish to take advantage of this opportunity will have to pay 400,00 euro and notify the University secretariat ( by e-mail. Below you will find all the data necessary to make the transfer:

– BancoPosta account;
– holder: Italian University Line (Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 10 – 50122 Florence);
– iban IT56R0760102800000075042267;
– current account in Euro n. 75042267;

The Specialisation Course is an online course taught in Italian and English and consists of:

  • online theory lessons (IUL training environment): 9 modules corresponding to 28 ECTS credits.
  • a final in-class examination for a total of 2 ECTS credits.

The in-class workshop will take place at the Sacred Art School in Viale della Catena, 4

Le Pavoniere – Parco delle Cascine – 50144 Firenze (FI), starting fromMay 17, 2021 to November 30, 2021.


Online modules are delivered in an e-learning environment characterized by the IUL training model which is flexible and custom-built on the students’ previous knowledge and experience. It includes lectures and interactive teaching (forums, e-tivity, etc.) for each module.

Online teaching for each ECTS credit is structured as follows::

  • 1 h lecture: audio or video recordings, web-conference lessons (online meetings, also referred to as “synchronous”), pre-structured courseware or similar (i.e. any material structured for educational purposes and offered in web environments of various types);
  • 5 h of interactive teaching: didactic interventions by the teacher or tutor addressed to the class or part of it for additional demonstrations or explanations (FAQs, mailing lists, forums), brief interventions carried out by the students in forums, blogs and wikis, e-tivity (individual or collaborative) carried out by the students and feedback of it;
  • 19 h of self-learning (individual and autonomous study).

This model includes assisted learning throughout the training, both by the teachers and the disciplinary tutors who are experts in the field, and a path tutor for transversal support.


Students must produce a work of art agreed upon with one of the teachers of the Master in one of the three specializations offered and present it in its content, materials, and techniques at the end of the training course.

All tests scheduled in each module must be completed to access the final exam.

The final exam will take place at IUL’s Florence office, located in Via M. Buonarroti 10, 50122 Florence, or at the Sacred Art School in Viale della Catena, 4, Le Pavoniere – Parco delle Cascine – 50144 Florence.

The final grade will be based both on the dissertation and on the evaluation marks of the ongoing tests of each module.


The Specialisation course (30 ECTS) is an online course and lasts one academic year for a total of 750 hours of study.


ModulesSSDCFUWay of attendance
Module 1Medieval and Modern Art HistoryL-ART/01 – Medieval Art History

L-ART/02 – Modern Art History

Module 2Contemporary Art History (Composition)L-ART/03 – Contemporary Art History2online
Module 3Early Christian Literature (Art and Christianity)L-FIL-LET/06 – Early Christian Literature2online
Module 4Medieval and Christian Archeology (Iconography)L-ANT/08 – Medieval and Christian Archeology3online
Module 5Early Christian Literature

(Sacred Scriptures)

L-FIL-LET/06 – Early Christian Literature3online
Module 6Moral Philosophy (Theology of the Body)M-FIL/03 – Moral Philosophy3online
Module 7History of Religions (Liturgy)M-STO/06 – History of Religions3online
Module 8Interior Architecture and Design

(Contemporary Sacred Art)

ICAR/16 – Interior Architecture and Design4online
Module 9Economics and Business ManagementSECS-P/08 – Economics and Business Management4online
Final Exam2In-class