/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
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Scienze e tecniche dell’educazione e dei servizi per l’infanzia, classe L-19

Pedagogy of educational relations


Anno accademico: 2021/2022



Crediti: ECT: 12 CFU

Scarica il programma

He was full professor of general pedagogy from 1987 to 2011, and since 1990 at the University of Florence. He has been director of the Department of Educational Sciences for more than ten years. For a shorter period, he also coordinated the Doctorate in Educational Sciences. His bibliography is very wide and varied.

The programme will revolve around the theme of dialogue in pedagogy, with reference to current education, focusing on the category of proxemics, active listening, support and care.


The course is divided into 4 modules:


  • Module 1 – Pedagogy today: the philosophical tradition; the scientific breakthrough, between human science and philosophy; brief history of dialogue in pedagogy.
  • Module 2 – Between care and education: educational care; the centrality of dialogue; dialogue in the various educational agencies; the emancipatory function of the educational relationship.
  • Module 3 What is the educational dialogue: theories of dialogue; dialogue and human sciences; dialogue in current pedagogy.
  • Module 4 Dialogue and education: The dialogic educator between encouragement, support and care; protecting and developing the true self as a person.

This course aims to introduce pedagogical thought through a brief Pedagogy history, over the time. Particular attention will be given to the theme of educational relationships in different institutions: from the family to the school, to associations, as well as informal contexts. Focus of the course will be the “Care”, analysed as a supporting category of the educational relationship, in its different meanings and declensions. Finally, some educational emergencies that characterise in particular our society will be introduced: interculture, the relationship with new-media.

The course aims to:

  • To create a current image of pedagogy, the educational relationship and dialogical practice in order to develop a sensitive and educated consciousness in educators, aimed at empowering all learners.
  • To acquire skills and knowledge to work as an educator in services for children (nurseries, children’s communities, parenting support centres, play centres, etc.), adolescents and adults, including the third age.
  • To offer a theoretical and practical-methodological study pathway in pedagogical, psychological, philosophical, sociological, didactic-experimental, juridical and linguistic disciplines for the understanding of the child and adolescent condition in contemporary society and for the planning of educational activities in the main services addressed to children and other ages of life.
  • Promoting the learning of organisational and management skills to implement and evaluate continuous training processes, including through the use of multimedia technologies and distance learning systems.
  • Facilitating the learning of cultural, creative, computer and communicative-relational skills to work in teams in public and private social services.

A. Knowledge and understanding


B. Applied knowledge and understanding


C. Autonomy of judgement


D. Communication skills


E. Learning capacity

A. Use of advanced textbooks, knowledge of some cutting-edge topics within the subject studied.
Students will be guided to the use of not only traditional bibliographic resources (paper) but – through a critical analysis of online resources – also digital ones.


B. Professional approach to their work and possession of appropriate skills to devise arguments, support them and solve problems within the subject studied. Ability to collect and interpret data useful for making independent judgements.
Through the analysis of “case studies” and practical examples taken from everyday life, the socio-psycho-pedagogical mechanisms at the basis of our critical thinking, which underlie the ways in which we formulate judgements and opinions, will be highlighted. As well as tools for finding and evaluating data, some of the main “good practices” for the correct interpretation of the data acquired will be provided.


C. Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.
Students will be provided with useful indications and methodologies to prepare a multimedia presentation and to know how to present it using vocabulary and communication methods appropriate to the target audience.


D. Ability to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.
Students will be helped to organise their study in a fruitful way by means of tools and methods conducive to the ‘learning to learn’.


⮚ 8 hours of recorded video lessons available on the platform.
⮚ 2 synchronous meetings of about 1 hour each on the platform for in-depth analysis and discussion.
⮚ Podcasts of all the above-mentioned video lessons.



⮚ 1 course orientation forum;
⮚ 4 in-depth thematic forums (1 per module);
⮚ possibility to carry out work in groups;
⮚ 4 structured e-activities (as described in the section “in itinere assessment methods”).



Teaching materials are provided for each module: in-depth thematic studies, articles and slides by the lecturer, open access readings, online resources, reference bibliography, etc.

  • Mariani et al., Pedagogia generale, Rome, Carocci, 2017, (Cambi and Mariani chapters)
  • Fratini, Le dinamiche affettivo relazionali nei processi di insegnamento-apprendimento, in F. Cambi (ed.), Nel conflitto delle emozioni, Rome, Armando, 1998, pp. 161-175 (text available among the reference materials).
  • Cambi, La relazione educativa e il ruolo del dialogo (text available among the reference materials)
  • Cambi, Pedagogia della emancipazione tra ieri e oggi (text available among the reference materials)
  • Cambi, Don Milani e la pedagogia dell’emancipazione (text available among the reference materials)


Reading of a text to be chosen from:

  • Mariani (ed.), La relazione educativa. Prospettive contemporanee, Rome, Carocci, 2021.
  • Bettelheim, Un genitore quasi perfetto, Milan, Feltrinelli, 2013
  • Don Milani, Esperienze Pastorali, Florence, Libreria editrice fiorentina, 2004.
  • E. Morin, I sette saperi necessari per l’educazione del futuro, Milan, Cortina, 2001.

Access to the final examination is subject to the following e-activities:


  • Module 1 – Viewing and commenting on a film on the topics covered.


  • Module 2 – Reading and cataloguing of one of the volumes chosen from those indicated.


  • Module 3 – 1 written paper of 3-5 folders on a topic of the student’s choice from those covered in the module.


  • Module 4 – 1 written paper of 3-5 folders on a topic of the student’s choice from those covered in the module.

The assessment of learning will take place through an oral interview on the course contents and on the paper(s) presented. The grade (min 18, max 30 with possible honours) is determined by the level of performance for each of the following dimensions of the oral interview: mastery of contents, appropriateness of definitions and theoretical references, clarity of argument, command of specialist language.