/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
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Scienze Motorie, pratica e gestione delle attività sportive, classe L-22

Methods and didactics of motor activities I


Anno accademico: 2021/2022



Crediti: 12 CFU

Scarica il programma

Immacolata Messuri is Associate Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the IUL Telematic University. She is the Rector’s delegate for issues related to Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD). She is the President of the Course of Study in Sport Sciences, Practice and Management of Sporting Activities (L22 – Sports and Physical
Education) and the Course of Study in Science and Technologies in Education and Childcare (L19 – Education and training). Her main research interests are in the fields of vocational guidance and training, communicative-relational counselling, new models of pedagogical communication in the globalisation society, pedagogical issues in the history of utopia, and sports pedagogy. She has already published three scientific books on these subjects and a number of contributions in specialist journals or collective volumes;
others are being published.


The course is divided into 4 modules:

  1. Relationship between pedagogy and sport: basic literacy;
  2. Reading and commenting on founding documents: the evolution of sport and the relationship between sport and education;
  3. Reading and commenting on founding documents: sport and health/well-being;
  4. Sport in the future: planning and the Erasmus programme.

The first module is aimed at building a basic culture between education and sport.

The second module is aimed at identifying the evolution of the practice of sport as it emerges from the reading of prominent documents for the planning and management of the theme of sport in Italy, in the European Community, in the world. Furthermore, it is aimed at identifying the link between sport and education as it emerges from the reading of important documents for the planning and management of the theme of sport in Italy, in the European Community, in the world. The third module is aimed at identifying the link that exists between sport and health – in terms of well-being – as it emerges from the reading of leading documents for the planning and management of the subject of sport in Italy, the European Community and the world. The fourth module is aimed at illustrating the theories and operational methodologies of planning, the practical effects of this operational strategy, and the tools identified for monitoring and evaluation. Furthermore, it is aimed at outlining the possible lines of development
of the theme of sport, as it emerges from the reading of prominent documents for the planning and management of initiatives to be implemented in the future.

The course in Methods and didactics of motor activities I aims to provide an adequate and methodologically sound knowledge of basic research in relation to continuing education in non-formal and informal facilities.

The course in Methods and didactics of motor activities I aims to provide an adequate and methodologically sound knowledge of basic research in relation to continuing education in non-formal and informal facilities.

A. Knowledge and understanding of:

  • Basic concepts of education;
  • Basic concepts of sports practice;
  • Planning elements;
  • Evolution of the concept of sport read in the light of education;
  • Theoretical/practical implications of the connection between sport and education;
  • Theoretical/practical implications of the connection between sport and well-being.

B. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding

The course in Methods and didactics of motor activities I aims to provide an adequate and methodologically founded knowledge of basic research in relation to continuing education in non-formal and informal facilities. The student will be stimulated to apply the acquired knowledge through performance-based tests and will be encouraged to apply it in his/her own contexts.

C. Autonomy of judgement

The student will be able to move in the educational sphere expressing original ideas, taking responsibility in decision-making processes and observing all the elements that constitute the system in which he/she is operating in order to make coherent choices. They will be able to plan personalised motor and sports activities, being able to realise appropriate projects to manage situations of discomfort related to the abandonment of motor activity.

D. Communication skills

The student will be able to use the technical terms appropriate to the world of education and the world of sporting activities. He/she will learn the specialised languages of the fields of reference and will be encouraged to show specific attention to multiple communication channels (body, oral, written, graphic and
multimedia communication).

E. Learning ability

The student will be able to independently explore the main scientific-methodological questions concerning education and the world of sport. He/she will be able to apply the methods and tools learnt and expand his/her knowledge according to the progress of
motor sciences. They will develop a critical ability in dealing with the course topics.


A. Use of advanced textbooks, knowledge of some cutting-edge topics within the subject studied, development of adequate knowledge and skills in reading and interpreting texts related to education and sport.

B. Professional approach to one’s own work and possession of appropriate skills to devise arguments, support them and solve problems within the subject studied. Improving one’s own educational approach to the use of tools specific to the world of

C. Ability to collect and interpret data useful for making autonomous judgements, critically reading the stimuli coming from the surrounding world.

D. Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists, promoting a conscious use of language in relation to the fields of education and sport.

E. Ability to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy through the development of management and self-management skills.


⮚ 24 recorded video lessons available on the platform;
⮚ 4 synchronous orientation and student reception meetings;
⮚ No. 1 thematic synchronous meeting entitled “Sport and work identity”;
⮚ No. 1 thematic synchronous meeting entitled “Training of trainers,
instructors and coaches”;
⮚ Podcasts of all the above-mentioned video lessons.


⮚ 1 course orientation forum;
⮚ 4 in-depth thematic forums (1 per module);
⮚ Possibility to carry out work in groups.
⮚ 4 structured e-activities (as described in the section “in itinere assessment methods”).


Teaching materials are provided for each module: in-depth thematic studies, articles and slides by the lecturer, open access readings, online resources, reference bibliography, etc.

Compulsory readings

⮚ Commissione delle Comunità europee, Libro bianco sullo sport, 2007, open source book.

⮚ I. Messuri, «Progettualità utopica e identità lavorative», Studi sulla Formazione: 20, 375-386, 2017-2, DOI: 10.13128/Studi_Formaz- 22194 | ISSN 2036-6981 (online).

⮚ I. Messuri, «Allenatori, istruttori e coach: verso quale formazione?», Lifelong lifewide Learning: 2021, 17 (38), pp. 148-156, ISSN 2279-9001.

Optional readings

⮚ Rivista italiana di pedagogia dello sport, ISSN 2499-541X. Open source scientific journal. Reference articles will be indicated during the lessons.

⮚ Studi sulla formazione, ISSN 2036-6981. Open source scientific journal. Reference articles will be indicated during the lectures. In order to respond flexibly to the specific needs of each student, the lecturer reserves the right to recommend alternative or additional readings during the lessons and to students who ask for them.

Access to the final examination is subject to the following 4 e-activities:

Module 1: Drafting of a shared document, through the WIKI tool, on a topic that emerged in the synchronous workshops of the first module;

Module 2: Creation of a mindmap with the concepts that emerged in the second module, integrating them with research carried out independently and relating to theories of reference, methodological approaches, and project evaluation tools;

Module 3: Creation of a bibliographic record of a document of the student’s choice issued by the European Community and related to the topics of the third module;

Module 4: Report (max. 3 pages) entitled: “How can the themes learnt in class be related to the current pedagogical debate? Propose your ideas, taking care to argue them critically and using scientific readings”.

The assessment of learning will take the form of an oral interview on the course contents and on the final report submitted, if any. The rade (min 18, max 30 with possible honours) is determined by the level of performance for each of the following dimensions of the oral interview: mastery of contents, appropriateness of definitions and theoretical references, clarity of argument, command of specialist language.