/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
  • it
  • en

DopOff – Sport and physical disability: research and training project on the doping phenomenon

Promoted by

Ministero della Salute - DG Prevenzione sanitaria

Project classification



The project “DopOff – Sport and physical disability: research and training project on the phenomenon of doping” aims to define the state of the art on the level of awareness of the doping issue among Paralympics and disabled amateur athletes, with particular regard to the social and environmental context, in order to develop a field survey and map the Italian situation. On the basis of the information acquired, university students of motor sciences and pedagogical sciences will be offered training interventions aimed at increasing the degree of awareness on the subject, and providing knowledge through innovative digital tools. The goal is to create a culture of the issues mentioned above, by structuring educational interventions focused on the formation of competent professional profiles.