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Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005

The European project SEARCH: the opening meeting of the project on youth, health and sports is scheduled in Florence on 6 and 7 February

On 6 and 7 February 2020 the opening meeting of the European project SEARCH – Sport Education for Active and Responsible Citizenship through Health caring is scheduled in Florence at IUL online university’s headquarters in via M. Buonarroti no.10.

The project is ideated and coordinated by IUL online university, and is carried out in collaboration with 6 European partners:

  • OZEL KUMLUCA SINAV COLLEGE – Antalya Kumluca – Turkey
  • E-C-C Verein fuer interdisziplinaere Bildung und Beratung – Würnitz – Austria
  • INTEGRA INSTITUT, Institut za razvoj clovekovih potentialov – Velenje – Slovenia
  • IES MAYORAZGO – Malaga – Spain
  • AKADIMAIKO DIADIKTYO – “Greek Academic Network” (GUnet) – Panepistimioupoli Athens – Greece

The project, winner of the call for projects EACEA – The Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission, will be carried out in the next 30 months and is addressed to youth training, proposing interventions for the diffusion of the culture of sports activities. The aim is to raise better awareness on the relevance of themes relating to sport activities, with possible impact on well-being, inclusion and full citizenship.

Bad habits, sedentary life, and low propensity towards motor education favour the arising of clinical diseases that can translate into high social costs for the national health system. In this context, sport acquires a crucial role for youth’s formation: an opportunity to keep the body and the mind fit; while developing a disposition to learning (know-how, know-being).

In particular, the SEARCH project foresees the creation of:

  • An online platform to verify students’ knowledge on themes relating to sports, wellbeing, health, life style, heathy life and prevention:
  • A mobile App usable on any type of smartphone, aimed at raising awareness, inform and educate youths on the topics covered;
  • 5 didactic modules on sports education, delivered in e-learning format and addressed to teachers, sport tutors and parents;
  • 7 international events, one in each country participating in the action.

These tools are aimed to instil a new perspective in the new generation in order to lead to different behavioural schemes by educating to a healthy lifestyle and constant sport practice. The aim is not just to give more space to motor education, but trigger systemic change by spreading a sports culture encompassing all its values.