/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005

Culinary Arts and Sciences

The advanced course in Culinary Arts and Sciences aims at providing the necessary tools to interpret the complex world of food production.

The course leads students to become professionals in the enogastronomic sector, such as: chef, pastry chef, baker, expert of the fermentation process, tasters, ice-cream makers, experts in industrial and semi-industrial lines of food production, experts in modern techniques of food production, storage and regeneration.

The course leads students to become professionals in the enogastronomic sector, such as: chef, pastry chef, baker, expert of the fermentation process, tasters, ice-cream makers, experts in industrial and semi-industrial lines of food production, experts in modern techniques of food production, storage and regeneration.

The minimum access requirement is a secondary school diploma or equivalent title.

The minimum number of participants is 6 students.

The total cost of registration, attendance, final exam and qualification attainment is € 18,000.00   payable in 6 instalments:

  • € 1,000.00 to be paid upon registration;
  • € 2,000.00 to be paid by October;
  • € 3,000.00 to be paid at the end of January 2020;
  • € 3,000.00 to be paid at the end of April 2020;
  • € 3,000.00 to be paid at the end of September 2020;
  • € 3,000.00 to be paid at the end of January 2021;
  • € 3,000.00 to be paid at the end of April 2021.


In the event of late payment of the instalments it will be mandatory for all students to pay an additional € 30.00 for late payment fees.


Enrolment for the course is open until 01/10/2019 and the start of teaching activities is scheduled for the second half of October.

Registration for the course takes place through the GOMP student portal. The registration and payment procedure through the PagoPA system is described in detail in the guide published on the institutional website together with this course description. Once the application has been completed online, it will be necessary to print it, sign it, and upload it to the system to complete the application. Subsequently, the signed copy must be sent, with a stamp duty of € 16.00  to the postal address “IUL ONLINE UNIVERSITY, VIA M. BUONARROTI, 10 – 50122 FLORENCE” indicating on the envelope the words: “Registration MA1 – Culinary Arts and Sciences – student’s name and  surname”.

For organisational reasons, it is advisable to anticipate the registration form by email (

For more information: IUL Academic office Tel. 055 2380568/055 2380385 – e-mail address:


The student is granted the right to withdraw from participation in the professional master course and claim the refund of the sum paid, only prior to the official start of the teaching activities. This withdrawal can be exercised by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to IUL academic office (Via M. Buonarroti no. 10 – 50122 Florence). The amount already paid for the first instalment (€ 1,000.00) will be fully refunded within 30 days of receipt of the withdrawal letter. Once the teaching activities of the course have officially started, the enrolled student must pay the entire registration fee.

Therefore, any course waiver request, expressed beyond the above terms will be ineffective and, consequently, the student will be obliged to pay the entire fee regardless of actual attendance of the training course.

The course is delivered in blended mode including in person and online lessons, organised as follows:

  • 12 modules for a total of 72 ECTS credits;
  • internship at host institutions (2 ECTS);
  • final face-to-face dissertation (2 ECTS).

Online lessons:

  • 9 modules delivered completely online for a total of 44 ECTS.


As far as in person modules are concerned, each ECTS corresponds to at least 6 hours of frontal teaching. In person lessons will be held at the Cordon Bleu School of Culinary Art – Via Giusti 7 – 50121 Florence.

For online modules, lessons are provided according to the training model of IUL online university: flexible and customisable based on the students’ previous knowledge and experience and characterised by training courses adaptable to the schedule and availability of each student.

Online teaching for each ECTS credit is organised as follows:

1 hour of lecture: audio or video recordings, web-conference lessons, pre-structured courseware or similar variants (it is any material structured for teaching purposes and offered in web environments of various types);

5 hours of interactive teaching (DI): didactic interventions by the teacher or tutor addressed to the class or to a part of it in the form of demonstrations or additional explanations (FAQ, mailing lists, forum), short interventions made by the students in forums, blogs and wikis, e-tivities (individual or collaborative) carried out by the students with relative feed-back;

19 hours of self-study (individual and independent study).

Each module provides for a final face-to-face exam, while at the end of the entire training course, the final discussion of a thesis agreed with one of the teachers of the course modules is foreseen.

Essential requirement to be able to access the thesis dissertation is having passed all progress tests and exams of each module. The discussion of the final thesis will take place at the University of Florence, located in Via Michelangelo Buonarroti 10, 50122 Florence.

At successful completion of the course and thesis dissertation, the course diploma and the corresponding 120 ECTS credits will be issued.

The course has a duration of 3,000 hours and grants 120 ECTS credits organised as follows:

ModulesSDSECTS Delivery mode
Food history 1M-STO/053ONLINE
 Study of Food CommoditiesAGR/159ONLINE
Hygiene and safetyMED-493ONLINE
Principles of chemistry and food chemistry, applied mathematics and statisticsMAT/02


Science and technology of fermentations and laboratoryAGR/166ONLINE (50%) e
Lab I: basic preparationsAGR/159 IN PERSON
Oenology and laboratoryAGR/4


Lab II: Basic preparations and territorial cuisineAGR/159IN PERSON
 Food anthropologyM-DEA/013ONLINE
Nutrition scienceMED-495ONLINE
 Molecular and taste sciencesAGR/043IN PERSON
History of Italian cuisineM-STO/053ONLINE
Lab III: Bread pizza and pastaAGR/159IN PERSON
Sensory analysis of foodAGR/043IN PERSON
 Dairy productsAGR/156IN PERSON
Scientific and chemical food cookingAGR/153IN PERSON
Food Marketing, Law and economics of the food sector and composition of the menuSECS-P/06

SECS- P/07


Lab IV: International high cousinAGR/159IN PERSON
 Pastry 2AGR/156IN PERSON
Internship2IN PERSON