/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005

Expert Teacher

IUL online university and Erickson study centre promote a professional master course addressed to teachers wishing to acquire professional skills in the various areas of school organisation.

The 1st level professional master course/advanced training course is addressed, in particular, to teachers of schools of all types and levels and is an educational path aimed at providing teachers with the new competences for innovation, improvement, organisational learning, team work, relationship dynamics in the different contexts involving the complexity of school organisation and the teaching profession.

The master course/advanced course foresees 4 training paths forming 4 different professional profiles:

Profile 1Expert of innovative and inclusive didactic. This professional figure is expert of competence-based teaching, innovative methods (also through digital tools) and of promoting inclusive culture. He/she is competent in analysing students’ needs, didactic-methodological planning, organisation and implementation of specific activities and paths, also through the ideation/adaptation of innovative learning environments.

Profile 2 – expert of continuing professional development.  This professional figure is a teacher expert of training needs analysis, training paths designing, flanking colleagues, tutoring, counselling, and supervision of professional development. This profile fits teachers wishing to become leaders of a community of practice.

Profile 3 – expert of school organisation.  This professional figure is a teacher expert of school planning and system evaluation who actively collaborates to the planning of processes and improvement of learning environments, and the training necessary to achieve them. The expert of school organisation profile can be classified as a middle manager.

Profile 4 – expert of training orientation and school-territory relationship. This professional figure is a teacher expert of planning, monitoring and evaluation of transversal skills development paths. He/she has specific competences in the area of training orientation, external relationships and out-of-school relationships and students’ tutoring.

IUL online university and Erickson study centre promote an advanced training course addressed to teachers wishing to acquire professional skills in the various areas of school organisation.

The master/advanced course is especially addressed to teachers of schools of all types and levels but also to all those wishing to start the teaching profession and consolidate their competences.

The minimum access requirement is a bachelors’ degree or equivalent title.

Those not holding a bachelor’s degree can enrol in the advanced course and will be issued a participation certificate at course completion.

The purchase of the Master/Advanced Training Course can be made through Erickson e-commerce system.

The total price for enrolment, attendance, final exam and qualification attainment is € 1,350.00.

The price may be subject to discounts or reductions according to Erickson’s commercial policies.

The amount cost of the Master/Advanced Training Course is payable in a single solution at the time of enrolment or, upon request to Erickon, in 2 instalments:

  1. Amount equal to 50% of the sum due to be paid upon registration;
  2. Amount equal to 50% of the balance due by 03/15/2020.


Registration for the course is open until 15/02/2020.


Payment can be made through the methods allowed by Erickson: Bank Transfer, Credit Card, Pay Pal, Teacher’s Card. All indications relating to the methods of payment will be indicated during the registration phase through the Erickson e-commerce system.

In case of late payment of the second instalment, the student will be suspended from the course.

Furthermore, after the registration through the Erickson e-commerce system, it will be necessary to complete the registration with the University through the GOMP student portal ( Once the application has been completed online, it will be necessary to print it. Subsequently, the signed copy must be sent, with a stamp duty of € 16.00 to the postal address “Telematic University of Studies – IUL, Via M. Buonarroti, 10 – 50122 FLORENCE” indicating on the envelope the title of the course and the chosen profile “Enrolment for the 1st level professional master course Expert Teacher – Profile 1 (2,3,4) – student’s name and surname”.

For more information on the registration procedure on the GOMP portal and related obligations, you can contact the email address: or

For all other requests relating to the registration and payment procedures, it will be possible to contact

The IUL training model, flexible and customizable on the basis of students’ previous knowledge and experience, provides lectures and interactive teaching (forums, etivities, etc.) for each module.

Online teaching is organised as follows for each ECTS credit:

1 hour of lecture: audio or video recordings, web-conference lessons (online meetings, also called “synchronous learning”), pre-structured courseware or similar variants (it is any material structured for teaching purposes and offered in web environments of various types);

5 hours of interactive teaching: didactic interventions by the teacher or tutor addressed to the class or to a part of it in the form of demonstrations or additional explanations (FAQ, mailing lists, forum), short interventions made by the students in forums, blogs and wikis, e-tivities (individual or collaborative) carried out by the students with relative feed-back;

19 hours of self-study (individual and independent study).


The Expert Teacher mode also provides:

  • Skills development and training through “online gyms”, related to the different courses, constantly supported by the gym trainer and by peer comparison;
  • access to a Media Library of content to deepen the topics covered within the various gyms;
  • recognition of skills acquired through an “open badge” system;
  • enrolment in the Expert Teacher Register once the course is completed, with the creation of a public profile card that highlights the results achieved.


Finally, the model adopted provides for assisted learning throughout the training course, as well as by the teachers, also by disciplinary tutors/trainers who are experts in the course content, and by a course tutor with transversal skills.

The goal of the course consists of the final discussion of a thesis, mandatory for all, agreed with one of the teachers of the modules of the Master/Advanced training course. Essential requirement to be able to sit the dissertation is to have passed all the tests of the modules. The thesis discussion will take place at the headquarters of IUL online university in Florence, in via Michelangelo Buonarroti no. 10, 50122.

The final mark will be the result of the weighted average of the assessments made by the teachers of the individual modules and of the discussion of the final thesis.

The professional master course/advanced course, accessible in e-learning mode, lasts one academic year for a total of 1,500 hours and provides for the release of 60 ECTS credits. 1 ECTS credit is equivalent to 25 hours of student work, including frontal teaching and individual study.

Each of the 4 profiles consists of 6 modules of 9 credits each:

  • The first 2 modules, common to all profiles, are transversal and constitute the initial common part;
  • the remaining 4 modules characterize each profile/course. The 60 ECTS for each of the four profiles are organised as follows:


Profile 1 – 1st level professional Master course /Advanced training course “Expert teacher”: Expert in innovative and inclusive teaching

ModulesSDSECTSTot. hours
Module 1Being an innovatorM-PED/04 – experimental pedagogy9225
Module 2Problem solving and team workingM-PSI/04 –  Development and education psychology9225
Module 3Planning and implementing competence-based teachingM-PED/04 – Experimental psychology9225
Module 4Assessment of competences at schoolM-PED/04 – experimental psychology9225
Module 5Innovative learning environmentsM-PED/04 –  experimental psychology9225
Module 6Recognising, welcoming and enhancing all differences M-PSI/04 –  Development and education psychology9225


Profile 2 – 1st level professional Master course /Advanced training course “Expert teacher”: expert in continuing professional development

ModulesSDSECTSTot. hours
Module 1Being an innovator M-PED/04 – experimental pedagogy9225
Module 2


Problem solving and team workingM-PSI/04 –  Development and education psychology9225
Module 3 Planning and implementing competence-based teachingM-PED/04 –  experimental psychology9225
Module 4Assessment of competences at school M-PED/04 –  experimental psychology9225
Module 5Peer observation and teaching competencesM-PSI/01 – General psychology9225
Modulo 6Planning and manage improvement in staffM-PED/03 – Teaching and special pedagogy9225


Profile 3 – 1st level professional Master course /Advanced training course “Expert teacher”: expert in school organisation

ModulesSDSECTSTot. hours
Module 1Being an innovator M-PED/04 – experimental pedagogy9225
Module 2


Problem solving and team workingM-PSI/04 –  Development and education psychology9225
Module 3Planning a vertical school curriculum SPS/11 – Sociology of political phenomena9225
Module 4 Educational orientation (first and second cycle)  M-PED/03 – didactics and special pedagogy9225
Module 5Innovative learning environments M-PED/04 – experimental pedagogy9225
Modulo 6Planning and manage improvement in staffM-PED/03 – Didactics and special pedagogy9225


Profile 4 – 1st level professional Master course /Advanced training course “Expert teacher”: expert of educational orientation and school/territory relationship

ModulesSDSECTSTot. hours
Module 1Being an innovator M-PED/04 – experimental pedagogy9225
Module 2


Problem solving and team workingM-PSI/04 –  Development and education psychology9225
Module 3 Planning and implementing competence-based teaching  M-PED/04 –  experimental pedagogy9225
Module 4 Educational orientation (first and second cycle)  M-PED/03 – didactics and special pedagogy9225
Module 5 Peer observation and teaching competences  M-PSI/01 – General psychology9225
Modulo 6 Recognising, welcoming and enhancing all differences M-PSI/04 –  Development and education psychology9225