/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005

Enogastronomic journalism

The professional master course in enogastronomic journalism is born out of the partnership between the international magazine So Wine So Food and IUL online university.

The course aims to provide technical-scientific competences relating to the organoleptic quality of products. These competences are based on the techniques and technologies for the transformation of enological and food products. The study path will be completed with theoretical and practical in-depths, carried out through internships, focused on specific aspects of restoration and reception. Part of the course is also dedicated to the acquisition of writing and comprehension abilities to provide full familiarity with the production and interpretation of texts of different styles for various kinds of public.

The course is addressed to everyone and in particular to professionals holding a Bachelor’s degree, wishing to acquire advanced training in enogastronomic journalism. The minimum educational requirement is a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent title. The minimum number of students for course activation is 8.

Students coming from extra-EU countries must refer to the attached course syllabus.

The total cost of registration, attendance, final exam and award of the qualification is € 9,000.00, payable in 4 instalments:

€ 1,000.00 – to be paid upon registration;

€ 2,000.00 – to be paid by November 2020;

€ 3,000.00 – to be paid by February 2021;

€ 3,000.00 – to be paid by April 2021.

In case of late payment of the second instalment, the payment of an additional € 30.00 for arrears fees will be mandatory for all students.


For those who register before 30/04/2020 there will be a 10% discount on the total fee, payable in 4 instalments:


€ 1,000.00 – to be paid upon registration;

€ 2,000.00 – to be paid by November 2020;

€ 2,100.00 – to be paid by February 2021;

€ 3,000.00 – to be paid by April 2021.

Enrolment for the course is open until 03/09/2020 and the start of teaching activities is scheduled for the second half of October.


Registration for the course takes place through the GOMP student portal. The registration and payment procedure through the PagoPA system is described in detail in the Guide published on the institutional website together with the course syllabus.

Once the application has been completed online, it will be necessary to print it, sign it and send it, with stamp duty of € 16.00, to the postal address “IUL ONLINE UNIVERSITY, VIA M. BUONARROTI, 10 – 50122 FLORENCE” indicating on the envelope the words: “Enrolment MA-1”.


It is advisable to send in advance the registration form by email (


For more information: IUL administration office, Tel. 055 2380568/055 2380385 – e-mail address:

The Master is delivered in blended mode and includes:

➢ in-person lessons:

▪ 9 modules carried out by 50% in-person for a total of 27 ECTS;

▪ internship at host institutions (3 ECTS);

▪ face to face final dissertation (6 ECTS).

Concerning face-to-face modules, 6 hours of frontal teaching are provided for each ECTS. Face-to-face lessons will be held at the “So Wine So food” office in Via Roccagiovine 245, 00156 Rome (RM).


➢ online lessons:

▪ 8 modules delivered by 50% online for a total of 24 ECTS;

Online modules are organised according to IUL’s training model, that is flexible and customizable according to students’ previous knowledge and experience, and offers training courses adaptable to each student’s schedule and availability.

Each module provides for a final face-to-face exam, and at the end of the training path, the discussion of a thesis agreed with one of the teachers of the course.  Essential requirement to be admitted to the final test is to have passed the progress tests and all the module exams.

The discussion of the final thesis will take place at the University of Florence, via Michelangelo Buonarroti 10, 50122 Florence.

ModulesSDSECTSDelivery mode
Module 1Writing laboratoryL-LIN/01 – GLOTTOLOGY AND LINGUISTICS6ONLINE (50%) and

IN- PERSON  (50%)

Module 2Anthropology and history of nutritionM-STO/05 – HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES (1 ECTS)


3ONLINE (50%)


Module 3Enology and TastingAGR/4 – HORTICOLTURE AND FLORICOLTURE – (3 ECTS)


6ONLINE (50%) and


Module 4Sensory analysis of foodAGR/04 – HORTICOLTURE AND FLORICOLTURE3ONLINE (50%) and


Module 5Food Marketing and Marketing laboratorySECS-P/06 – APPLIED ECONOMY6ONLINE (50%) and


Module 6Eno-gastronomic tourism, made in Italy and writing laboratorySECS-P/06 – APPLIED ECONOMY6ONLINE (50%)


Module 7Lab 1 e Pastry 1:  basic preparationAGR/15 – FOOD SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES3IN-PERSON
Module 8Print and multimedia enogastronomic publishingM-FIL/05 – PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY OF LANGUAGES6ONLINE (50%) e


Module 9Food Design (ice-cream)M-Fil/04 – ESTHETICS6ONLINE (50%) and


Module 10Start up, management and composition of the menuSECS-P/08 – BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT6ONLINE (50%) and




Total ECTS 60