/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005

Sistema della Qualità

University Quality Presidium

The University Quality Presidium is in charge of the quality system. It is appointed by the Faculty Board of Directors, consisting in the Didactic manger (with the functions of Chairman), the coordinators of the courses of studies, the faculty responsible for the Quality Assurance system, the responsible for data analysis and a student representative for each course of study.

IUL’s Quality Presidium is composed as follows:

Prof. Fausto Benedetti (Chairman)

Prof. Daniela Sarsini (Coordinatore CdS L-19)

Prof. Barbara Turchetta (Coordinatore CdS LM-57)

Salvatore Salzillo (faculty responsible for the Quality Assurance system)

Nada Jagodic (Responsible for data analysis)

Elisa Bonazzoli (Student representative CdS L-19)

Elena Crestani (Student representative CdS LM-57)

The Chairman of the Quality presidium coordinates the activities, reports to the Board of Directors and submits results for discussion and approval, insofar as it falls within the Board of Directors competence.

Specifically, the Presidium:

  • defines processes and procedures, and identifies and provides the tools necessary for their implementation;
  • promotes quality culture within the organisation;
  • accompanies and supports the departments and the courses of studies in the implementation of quality policies and their objectives;
  • Supports the departments and the courses of studies in process management, carrying out monitoring activities;
  • conducts internal auditing activities on the organisation of training and research;
  • promotes continuous improvement and evaluates the effectiveness of the actions taken;
  • schedules an annual meeting with the stakeholders to ensure the actual correspondence between cultural and professional profiles in each course of study, and verifies their goals;
  • organises and carries out informative training activities for the personnel involved in the quality assessment of training and research;
  • manages the information and document flows, verifying compliance with procedures and times, with particular attention to those coming from and directed to the University’s governing bodies, the Evaluation Team, the Joint Academic Staff-Students Committees and the courses of studies;
  • organises and verifies the updating of the information contained in the ANVUR documents (the annual reports on the courses of studies and the review reports);
  • provides support to the Evaluation Commission (CEV in Italian);
  • Provides information support (data, analysis, and evaluation reports) to government bodies for decision making and verification of policies implementation.