Evaluation Unit
The Evaluation Unit performs the functions of internal evaluation (Law 537/93, 370/99 and 240/2010) regarding administrative management, teaching, research activities and supports interventions for the right to education, through the verification of the correct use of public resources, the impartiality and good performance of administrative action, and the productivity of teaching and research. In addition to Law 240/2010, ministerial decree 47/2013 attributes to the Evaluation Unit additional tasks related to the evaluation of Quality Assurance system in function of available resources, assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes and organisational structure of the University as well as improvement actions, evaluation and implementation of the Quality Assurance system for training, research, courses of studies and departments.
The Evaluation Unit ensures the persistence of quantitative and qualitative requirements for the initial and periodic accreditation of the courses of studies and the university branches. The Evaluation Unit is set up as an internal evaluation body of the University and as such, interfaces with the Governing Bodies and the Quality Presidium. To this end, it carries out a documented annual Quality Assurance system audit and policy-making activity, from which opinions, recommendations and indications regarding the University Quality Presidium and to the governing bodies of the University are dawn up. MIUR and ANVUR are external stakeholders.