/ 055 0380900

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005

Enrolment for the 1st level master course and the specialisation course in sacred art is open

Enrolment for the 1st level master course in sacred art is open. The course is born out of the collaboration between IUL online university and the Sacred art school of Florence and aims at training experts in the sacred art sector providing competences to conceive and realise contemporary artworks, in line with the Christian tradition. The master course is delivered in Italian and English language, in blended mode, that is, with online and in person sessions, organised in 3 specialisations: painting; sculpture; and goldsmithing. The course has a duration of 1 year and grants 60 ECTS credits.

Besides the professional master course, a continuing education programme, granting 30 ECTS is also foreseen. The course has an interdisciplinary approach focusing on sacred art, with themes and activities which make the initiative unique among Italian universities.

The teachers of the schools of every order and grade and those in charge of the sacred art offices of the dioceses are entitled to a discount on the enrolment fee.

Enrolment for both courses is open for all bachelor’s degree holders and is addressed in particular to graduates in architecture, historical disciplines, fine arts, and performing arts. The pathway is also suggested for teachers of history of arts, religion, philosophy, responsible people of sacred arts in dioceses, tour guides and all those willing to deepen theoretical, technical and hand-craft aspects of sacred arts.

Enrolment is open until 30 November 2020 and online lessons will start in January 2021.

>> See the page of the 1st level master course in sacred art

>> See the page of the specialisation course in Sacred art


Administration office of the school of sacred art:  tel. +39 055 350376; mobile +39 3534057340;
